Below you will see the six different categories of drills we have to offer, along with on-site job photos. Click photos to enlarge them.
Geotechnical/Environmental Drills
Mobil Drills
Mobil B-61 (8)
CME Drills
Georex (2)
Backpack Drill (3)
Minute Man Drill (3)

Geotechnical Drilling at Tanana Bridge Site

Skid Drill at Nome

Environmental Drilling at Nabesna

Geotechnical Drilling Offshore at Hoonah, Alaska

Geotechnical Drilling in Chugiak
These drills are used for geotechnical drilling, which includes: solid or hollow stem auger drilling, split spoon sampling, shelby sampling, piston sampling, BQ,NQ, HQ and PQ diamond rock coring and air or mud rotary drilling. They are also used for drilling and sampling of environmental test borings and the installation of monitoring wells (2" to 8" diameter pvc), vapor extraction probes/wells, injection wells and small diameter (2" to 6") water wells. The drills can be mounted on a variety of carriers: trucks, tracks, Rollagons, skids, or configured for helicopter slinging and the smaller drills can be moved with small atvs.

Auger Drill on Rollagon at Prudhoe Bay

Rock Socketing 36" Diameter Pipe Pile at Shaw Creek Bridge, Richardson Highway

Augered Shaft Construction of Six Foot Diameter Tower Base at Nikiski Substation

Tower Foundation Construction at Kenai

Anchorage Legislative Information Office

Texoma Augered Holes and Thermo Pile Installation at Bethel High School

Auger Drill at Anchorage Denaina Center
These units are used for pre-drilling , drilling out and rock socketing for large diameter pipe piling installations. They are also used for drilling elevator shafts, soldier piles, tie back systems, thermo piles, de-watering wells, vapor extraction wells in landfills, and the drilling and installation of large diameter (7' max.) shafts for power pole, signs and tower foundations.
Air Rotary/Percussion & Sonic Drills
Schramm T64
Schramm T660H
Geotechnical Drills (29)

Percussion Drilling 24-inch De-watering well at Fort Knox

Heli-portable Georex Drill Air Rotary and NQ Air Coring at Port Graham

Rotary-Precussion Drilling Dock Pilings at Chenega Bay

Rotary Drill Geothermal Drilling at Juneau

Gold Exploration Drilling and Sampling at Nome

Sonic Core Samples
These drills are used for water wells, deep environmental wells, cathodic protection wells, and relief holes for large driven piles in rock.
All our drills can be converted to use air rotary drilling methods and percussion tooling. Our Schramms are setup with onboard air compressors and can be boosted with additional air compressors for drilling large diameter holes. The Schramms also have drill through casing hammers for the installation of waterwells (6"-18" diameter).
The Sonic 550 drill can be used for all rotary drilling operations, including rota sonic drilling and core sampling (3", 4" & 6" samples) for mineral exploration, drilling/casing for soldier piling, tiebacks and whalers and the drilling and installation of water or environmental wells.
Helicopter Drills
​We have customized our Mobil B-61, CME-75/55/45 and Geoprobe 6610 geotechnical drills to be heli-portable using heavy lift Bell UH-1 (3800# lift capacity) helicopters. Our CME-45s, Geoprobe 6610 and Technodrill can be lifted using A-Star B-350 (2500# lift capacity) helicopters. Our Backpack drills (breaks down to 200# loads), Mobil Minute Man and Cobra drills can be lifed using Lama (1200# lift capacity), Bell Jet Ranger (700# lift capacity) or Robinson R-44 (700# lift capacity) helicopters.

Pile Drivers
MKT 5 Air Hammer
MKT 6 Air Hammer
MKT 7 Air Hammer
Trimac Hydraulic BRH750
Atlas 2000 Hydraulic Hammer
Wellen 1262 Air Hammer

DDI has been driving small pipe piling (2" to 16" diameter) for building foundations throughout Alaska since 1970. We also have constructed steel buildings and pole barns on steel pile foundations. We have custom pile driving equipment that can be transported by C-130 Hercules aircraft for large piling or for small piling a Cessna 207.
Off Shore Operations ​

DDI is the leader in offshore drilling in Alaska completing over 200 offshore projects statewide. We are experienced at assembling and operating safe, affordable offshore operations. Throughout the coastal cities and villages or in major lakes and rivers, we have been drilling and sampling for geotechnical, environmental, or mineral exploration. For docks and harbor construction we have assisted with all aspects of construction, including pile driving, rock socketing, coffer dam construction, and vibro-compaction. Since 1970 we have had the pleasure to work with local people in these communities to team together and use local resources when possible, (LCMs, Boats, Barges) as safe platforms for our drilling operations. This allows for savings on mobilization and demobilization costs and connects us to the local community in a positive way.